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Great Sale 2016 in Semarang city

In an effort to boost economic activity and businesses to boost tourism in the city of Semarang, Semarang Great Sale SEMARGRES or held back in the 2016's. This event will take place in the city of Semarang from April 16 until May 15, 2016.

There are slightly different from the previous event, launching Semarang Great Sale was held in Jakarta. Sapta Pesona building in Jakarta, the Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar), Wednesday (13.04.16) night, along with Tourism Minister Arief Yahya Ganjar Pranowo Governor of Central Java and Semarang Mayor was accompanied by the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Handrar Prihadi Kukrit Suryowicaksono Central Java, Semarang City Kadin Heru Ismawan and the chairman of the Supreme Arnaz Andrarasmara launching this title.

Semargres mat this time begins on April 16 at the night market and the opening ceremony or the opening took place on 17 April 2016 in conjunction with the Semarang City Hall yard day activities savvy consumers. As for the closing ceremony event will be conducted on May 15, 2016 in Setos with the main event prize drawing.

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