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Flashmob Joged Semarangan - Introduce Identity and First Salam

Inauguration procession Mayor / Deputy Mayor of Semarang on Wednesday (02/17/2016) then indeed become the party event of the people of this city. All elements of citizens trying to give a rousing speech, speech and also the best support.

Similarly, Community Activists who want menghayubagyo inducted Travel Semarang city leaders for this next 5 years. Donating flashmob Joged Semarang, this community would like to introduce another cultural richness of Semarang.

Flashmob Semarangan

"Currently we are keen to socialize regards Semarang and joged semarangan. And the moment of inauguration into the right moment to present it so that later can be a massive movement as a distinct identity of our city, "said Wahid coordinator Gus Travel campaigners.

Admittedly, it is not easy to bring along elememn residents to participate in the flashmob. In fact, the movement joged semarangan easy enough to follow.

Prihadi lucky Hendrar Mayor and Vice Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu willing to participate so that citizens who initially shy, eventually joined. Although a little one-one, but at least this mass dance is able to restore the city's original identity.

"There are still many people who do not know if we had a particular greeting and typical joged Semarang. It should be consolidated again, sukur-sukur could become the city's official greeting, "he said.

Admittedly, a flashmob in the inauguration was also supported by the hotel staff and tourist attractions in the city. With great enthusiasm, their previous study at Club Merby.

Humanist Club and manager of Merby Grace W Susanto acknowledges Semarang joged movement is not difficult. It could even be learned immediately when the first witness.

"Movement is only composed of basic movements along ngendek, ngoyek and Ngonthel," he added.

As for the title of the song Simpanglima Semarang which is actually very easy listening. This song is not even less tasty than Semarang Kaline flood, but still less popular.

Similarly, it strongly hopes Activists Tours can continue to inflame greetings and joged this semarangan. Thus, Semarang will have a special identity that can contribute to boost the enthusiasm of tourists to visit and increase revenue (PAD).

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